A Letter To My Psychiatrist

(It is difficult to talk about trauma and even harder to type it out. Thus why this may read badly)

Firstly I would say you have been the most decent psychiatrist I’ve had. You are kind, cooperative and open. It’s taken a long time to get to this high level of health (other than psychiatric drug side effects)

Thank you. I would like to continue to see you as I feel respect for you, despite the things I will question in this letter. I hope this will help me express my feelings since I have so little time in session with you.

I’m very puzzled why my diagnoses has changed from bi polar to Schizoaffective psychosis. I saw the new label on the blood work paper you sent.

Unless it was just a typo, which means, I should stop typing now.

I felt safe mentioning my interest in telepathy because you thought taking psychic development classes was a good idea when I mentioned it. You actually encouraged it. I even jokingly ask “so I’m not schizophrenic or anything?” (Loss of personal power) and your reply was “no.” I was surprised and happy you said this. You seemed to have an open mind and because of this I took it a tiny bit further and spoke on telepathy. Believe me, I’ve learned to censor myself with past Drs because they misunderstand my life. After seeing you for two years, I felt you were more open. Like synchronicity. Coined by Carl Jung. I’m interested in these unexplainable things that happen to me since I was child and never has it caused my quality of life to suffer.

This telepathic feeling started 8 years ago at 49 and believe me, I’ve documented it as a researcher would. I was not on meds most of my life and I was not then. If you could spend more time talking to me, maybe at least 30 minutes, compared to the 5 minutes you give me, you would know that I don’t take myself that seriously, Of course “normal” society will always laugh at someone who says this, as does psychiatry see it as delusions and diseased. I don’t always believe I have telepathy, it just happens sometimes like deja vu. That’s not a mental condition is it?

I actually I spend more time doing other things in my day, then lay around talking to someone who is not there. (Which I still do at times in meditation)

I care for my elderly Mother, I care for my little Grandchildren. I write, I have journaled everything that has happened to me since 1994. I have a blog with over 200 essays, much about the trauma from this profession has done to me. I like to think I can experimenting and think on unusual events. It’s my brain after all. What I do with it and how I think and imagine is not a disease unless it’s causing me suffering. I’m a Buddhist. I know about suffering.

Drs make me suffer.

I even Volunteered for years distributing items for needy Mothers no did I go around telling my clients what’s in my mind. Isn’t that sanity?

I do have some sort of telepathy but it does not control my life. I’m too self aware and intelligent to do that because it does feel crazy. I make up my own mind when I choose to be interested in something. It’s a fringe hobby, sometimes it’s real. I still hang out with friends and learn about physics, something I wish I was smart enough to study in University. Why your profession is not investigating this instead of drugging people, you may a grander profession working with something new.

Regardless Who why have changed my label? ……And without discussing it with me? I’ve never asked about this new label. It might have been a mistake on paperwork.

I’ve carried the stigma of bi polar from when I was misdiagnosed in 03. Something you have refused to understand about me. When I start talking about it I am always interrupted.

I’ve been wrongly labeled for 17 years and now the whole medical system will see me as schzoaffective disorder.  I will be further stigmatized. Even the government sees this label. It’s just a label some would say. It is not. It’s not private. It goes everywhere. Even if you want a job. I do not want attending a psychic development class or my interest in mediums (some are friends) to stamp a label on my head as a delusional person. I’m not a disease.

Is someone mentally ill if they talk to Jesus or pray or believe in chakra healing?

Where does this stop?

This is all subjective.

I’m looking for that kind of Dr. that can weigh the patients sane behavior against the DMVS or whatever that book is called, which by the way is the most dangerous book on the planet. Labeling every human trait as illness.

When I saw that label it hurt me to the core and further added more shit onto of my trauma. It underpins everything about me.

It attacks my faith.

My intuition and my believe in myself.

My self confidence.

It honestly made me feel extreme hopelessness. That no one is listening to me.

I feel like I’ve been bullied by every other terrible Dr. I’ve come in contact with. Triggering.  The idea that someone I trusted told me I was not really me.  I’m not your other patients. You realize I’m intelligent mentally. You’ve called me very self aware. What you don’t know about is me is that I’m actually a skeptic of telepathy.

There much research being done all over the world on telepathy. There is a whole new group of scientist looking at telepathy and other psychic abilities. Not everyone who is psychic is psychotic. I know a group of a least 50 men and women who attend Progressive Spiritualist Church. A Christian church full of mediums. Many are older than I. The advice I’ve received when I took classes with them was

‘always listen to your intuition.’

Your inner knowingness. I was not taught to hear voices and I never have in my life. Never! But you don’t know that. You are just comparing me to other patients as you do them to me.

(the next part of the letter may not read well because it’s to hard to correct or re read stories of the horrible things that is happened to me. I apologize if it’s not correct)

I also was never diagnosed with anything until the bad thyroid mess in 2003 at 40, where I was misdiagnosed bi polar in 15 minutes in an ER. No blood work. No medical history. Later I found the bottle of thyroid medication I took two weeks before the ER visit. It showed a mistake made by a local clinic where they changed my dosage. I had a thyroid storm going on. I did not know this at the ER. I took them for 8 years. Not being able to get off cold turkey.

I got off meds on my own in 2011. It was hell but I got through withdrawal to go back to the real me. I was fine for two years, when I had a bladder condition that put me in the ER at St. Vincent’s. They put me on morphine due to the pain but started talking about the fact i was bi polar. (unaware, all the while I had interstitial cystitis) No family member was there to advocate for me.

I woke up drugged on the floor in the stress center for my bladder and they forced drugged me.  No Dr. is horrified by my story. No one cares. Psychiatry has harmed me. This is my history, the worst thing in the world that has happened to me. To be pushed around by bad Drs. Years of this. 17 years. You wonder why I have anxiety? PTSD from health care that was suppose to help me. But this new diagnoses is another “rape” of my mind and who I feel I am. Like during that visit was screaming in pain because I needed bladder procedure. I laid on the floor of a room crying when some Dr. apparently not a Urologist said to me.

“Take your pants down and spread your legs.” He was halfway across the room and I thought why do I have to take my pants down? Bladder condition is invisible. You can’t see bladder unless you have the procedure I needed. He looked at my genitals from 6 feet way “Everything looks fine to me.”and left. ? Please try to imagine your patient having this happen to her?

If you actually knew me, what you would see is a smart, self reliant woman who is a creative screenwriter. A thinker. I feeler. I am a woman whose had horrible trauma from psychiatry. The profession MADE  me sick. How do we know it isn’t these meds that’s making me have psychos? What if the anti psychotics are actually making me think I might be telepathic? Let’s just say someone does not have bi polar and starts taking his friend’s meds? What would it do to the person’s brain if they were not bi polar? This is my point. Please do not traumatized me further by labeling me again. I do not feel or have the symptoms of a person with schizophrenic behaviors. I would please like you to change it back to bi polar please. Or better yet someday. Get me off meds and take the bi polar label off my forehead.

What I would like, together with you, is to concentrate on weaning me off lithium and zyprexa before my kidney’s fail or I get diabetes due to obesity. I desire to focus on getting off.  These drugs are damaging my body and mind. The long term side effects are dangerous, as you know. I’m willing to take a year or two to wean off. I’d like you, my doctor to help me through it. I would never go off meds on my own. That’s why I need your help. Which also proves there is nothing wrong with me except, loneliness and past trauma that I get through with by meditating and keeping God near me and keep the faith.

Thank you


What If Jesus Was Labeled A Schizophrenic?

“You are Bi Polar”

Anytime I write about the trauma of the psychiatric system, not only am I triggered by reliving and rewriting these things. My writing is not very good so I apologize if this is hard to read.

Psychiatric drugs are killing people. Mostly from side effects and often by suicide which is a side effect of the drugs.

Imagine that. You feel suicidal and they give you drugs where one side effect is suicidal ideation. They are designed to be horribly difficult to get off of. Terrible withdrawals. Is the pharmaceutical industry trying to dumb down millions of Americans? I’m personally afraid for my life in that these drugs have affected my health. I’m near diabetic. I’ve gained so much weight from them, I’m obese. They can cause kidney failure. The list goes on and as I type this and am weaning off slowly my anti psychotic because my doctor refuses to help me. I was misdiagnosed bi polor in 2003 but I’m still fighting the system to get me off these poisons..

No one also does not want to walk into a psychiatrist’s office like your just a lump of meat with a label on your forehead given to you by same psychiatrists. (Educated Bully)

My goal is to get off this medication I should have never been on in the first place. Stuck in a system with a Bi Polar diagnoses that I shouldn’t have been given in the first place.

Sitting in a blood lab waiting room, I look down at the paper work from my psychiatrist and see at bottom.

Diagnoses: Sczhoaffective Psychosis. What in the hell? Where did this come from?

As if I’m not already living the dangerous side effects of these dangerous drugs, that have suicide as a side effect. Hmmm? You’re suicidal so you ask your Dr. for a drug to help but it has suicidal ideation as side effect…..I have to be bullied by some Dr. who you are stuck in a relationship with because you can’t stop your meds cold turkey or it’s death and insanity due to the withdrawal. But you can’t get off them because his job is to tell you that you need them. Without you what what he be. Without a job I hope.

I rarely tell my shrink about my spiritual life. He actually doesn’t really want me to speak. When he asks “how I am?” I must answer in three sentences or he interrupts me. Once last year I told him I took a psychic development class. I mentioned I felt telepathic. He encouraged me to keep taking the classes.

So was it this one thing I said once is why he changed my diagnoses? Without telling me? Why? How would he know me since he does not talk to me. He just pushes pills.

What he really did was stamp a disease on my head another one! I don’t fucking deserve. He did me harm. He shot my God. He said without words “you are diseased. You can’t trust your own mind. Your own heart. Jesus hates you and there is no God. DO YOU HEAR ME, you were not created in the image of anything and you are meat on a skeleton stick that I can drug and take advantage of.

Imagine if Sir Issac Newton was drugged for thinking out of the box?

How many humans with amazing potential are drugged and right now they just sit in their living room watching cable and over eating because they feel and think nothing anymore?


Our next genius may have been dumbed down already.

Can’t begin to think what they would have done to Jesus if he hadn’t be crucified him and they had these drugs. If Jesus came back, I’m pretty sure they psychiatric industry would like to get at him.

To See Thee More Clearly…..Day By Day



It is very very difficult to write about an extraordinary spiritual experience in your life that can’t really be explain by grouping letters.

I’ve never been “Religious.” I have always been connected to nature in a weird way and God’s creation reminds us of his gifts for us. I do consider myself “Spiritual.” The difference between religion and spirituality is that religious people are trying not to go to hell. Spiritual people have already been there or are walking through it.

When odd things happened in my life. Very big synchronicity usually around people I didn’t know or musicians etc. These meaningful coincidences feel different than a regular coincidence. They are usually separated by time, can come in threes with the last closing up and validating the beginning. When someone gets a great job by coincidences that sometimes take time. There is meaning there but only you can feel it. It feels like some force in the Universe put that together. That’s when you start to believe.

I also found mindfulness. Buddhism is a practice. With have Bi Polar and having taking way to many different psychotropic drugs, my mind was a mess of constant thoughts and memories of horrible things that happened to me. I have written about that in past in this blog but I find it triggers me and I’m feeling divine and now is not the time to rehash sad. During mediation I first started really simple. Doing Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Meditation Challenge. It’s great for beginners and you are lead through it and don’t get up to go to kitchen to eat donuts because we all have monkey minds.

I took 10 years but I learned to stop and quiet my mind just for 5 breaths. Over a couple of years is when it happened. I felt a sound in my right ear and my head felt like it had helium in it. Suddenly I thought of the person who I felt that way with. It’s so crazy to write this. I know this sounds nuts. My ego fought this for three years and i felt worse. Crazed it didn’t stop be he wasn’t really saying anything in public about this connection. What if some ghost is pretending to be him? Walk that rope for three years and you become a bitter suicidal bitch. But that was the process because once when I was in distress…

I was laying on the bathroom floor of a psych ward which I should not have been in. I came to ER for severe bladder pain (interstitial cystitis) and after they gave me morphine they found out I was bi polar. I kind of remember having an experience of angels from elsewhere examining me while these “evil doctors” stigmatized me and ask me questions on morphine do I see angels? Do I talk to Jesus? I’m fucked up. I don’t have a clue what your talking about. 2am. Wake up in psych ward i had been before. I was crying because I needed surgery. They would not call urologist because im in psych ward and in psych ward they think everyone is nuts and lies. I cried and cried begged for doctor. Some ass “Doctor” came in to see me in isolation room because my crying from pain was bothering other patients. i was laying on floor. A bladder that spasms can be seen without surgery. So the guy tells me to take my underwear off and spread my legs. He was standing 7 ft away. There was nothing to see because it was inside and then he said. Looks ok to me.

Are you fucking kidding me? Where is the camera. What the fuck is going on? I swear if I met that man now I’d kick him in the teeth and put him in jail.

So I know I’m way off here. So whiling on bathroom floor, I felt that dread of death would be better than the moment you were in. ALONE. No family. No police stopping these people. NO HELP. Mr. Rodger always says when you are scared look for the helpers. I could only see evil nurses and doctors and sad patients who sat there watching helpless. Drugged. Like they drugged me.

Since I saw no one, I decided to bring my Christian faith back and remembered Jesus. Maybe the man in my head is also the living incarnation of Jesus. He said he was coming back. I think he is my savior. I was laying on that floor screaming, crying and prayed to my Lord. Please help me! Please tell me what to do?


I did for 10 more minutes.

Someone came to escort me across street to psych ward wing for those waiting for surgery. God morphine immediately and the calm inside and the presence of God and Jesus was overwhelming. I’d given myself to Jesus. Funny, Jesus had already given himself to me. I’m sorry it took so long to accept. I’m sorry I forgot your suffering. they have suicide watchers sitting with patients on medical side. There was this angel. He was from Rowanda. He had lost his whole family. He has the most peaceful energy. We talked awhile. 2 other woman came. They all offered me comfort after the pain in the psych ward. I’ve learned God doesn’t let these things happen and at times I would curse God, and then later the experience above. Perhaps those scary times make this what ever this is time of love so much easier.

Be careful what you wish for. Oh isn’t that true. You may have just wish for an ice cream cone and ended meeting a King holding a cone.


Loud Speaker Lullabies


AnimationGIF.gifWhat does this animation have to do with what I’m about to say? 


I’m in a really good space right now.


I was just in the best psychiatric care unit I’ve ever been in my life. It was Indiana University at Methodist Hospital. The place I was born ironically. I had to go because I was having heart palpitation and was not sleeping.

So there are many nightmarish posts in this blog because past experiences in psych wards and staff and psychiatrists and medicine were all scary haunted house experimental guinea pig in and paid for a ticket kind of experiences that let’s just not “keep telling out sad stories.”

The first thing that I noticed while waiting for a room upstairs was a lullaby over the loud speakers. I ask the ind nurse what that tune meant. She said it was a baby being born.

Was I being reborn. I had a feeling of death. Like your so tired you think you faint but you don’t but you can’t sleep. IT’s scary. They believed me when I said.

I hear things.

I feel more than I hear.

My right temporal lobe turns on sometimes & I feel you?

Beings touch me and heal me.

I have telepathy with some people.

I have a parallel universe relationship with a man I have never met.

I have prophetic dreams.

I feel people staring at me.

I can talk to dogs and cats.

I feel like I am in a movie but everyone knows it but me.

I think Jesus is here or I am Jesus but I don’t really want to be more like Jesus had kids related.

I have astral traveled. I was adjusted by aliens that looked like us.

Sometimes I have three heat beats. One is James, One is me and sometimes one is Eddie.

Or shall I say, Edward James Almost?

I’m not sure of these things at all because I can’t prove it quite 100% unless the others feel the same way. I am a scientist and that’s how i roll. I’m not crazy. Just open.

I got scared people didn’t lie me or my Quantum Entangled twin could be upset and the man next door is trying to torment is one reason why I was not sleeping,  hospital. No police would help me. They are kicking me out and I am happy to go. I want only good things for m now

The hospital let me say these things without making me feel bad .No comments about giving me meds for my imagination. 🙂 hmmh?

They had art. The doctor listened to what meds did not work and what did, she gave them to me. There was a nurse outside my door at night. I felt loved. heard and healed. I can’t tell you how much I loved my psychiatrists. ME!? Really.

She was like a Mother figure. They even let me talk to a priest about the things i feel and how to understand God.

One night they let me look at this blog, my blog on a huge ass tv. I mean big. It blew my mind. Look at what I have done? I was so proud. A nurse came by and ask what I was doing and I showed her a video of you. Then I watched a  few scenes from SC & RnR.

She loves that song. She wrote the site down and seemed interested. No psych nurse ever ask to see my art. I just sat there not wanting to write but to star at the colors the

décoration d'art

the way it looked, it looked like something that should be a film.

Then i said goodbye to friends and my family picked me up! My family!? We went to the head shop first thing. My 73 year old Mother looking at glass pipes and bongs. It was awesome. They told me to lunch and shopping for food which I didn’t have.

I’m on meds I can stand, I will just testify at how great


At low does of course and a benzo. That’s all I ever really needed was those anti anxiety as needed when things spin faster in my head and heart I can stand. And if by any chance you are feeling the same thing darling…I”m happy to go for you too.

Thank you for everything IU Methodist C8 ward. God Bless you all.

And thank you for being there every night and when I would get scared you would go away.

And thank you Universe for being birthed there. and fro that star chaser and for being born again in the same place.




Dear God, Please Help Me

  • download (1)
  • I don’t know what is happening to me. Something really big and it’s scaring me God.
  • I feel like everyone is laughing at me.
  • I hear a voice feeling in my heart and head and I thought it was someone who loved me. I’ve tried speaking back to it but it won’t talk to me. It lies to me and tells me I am special.
  • I’m not feeling special. My family missed my birthday. No one called me. My mommy didn’t give me a present.
  • God why did you leave me alone all those times in the scary hospital. Why did the bad men torture me? What have I done.
  • I feel eyes on me everyday. Like I’m in a movie on TV but I don’t get that channel.
  • Sometimes Jesus is there and told me he is always there but I’m afraid the bad men got Jesus too.
  • The lady that lives upstairs scares me all the time. She makes funny noises on the floor and wakes me up crying and they say they are kicking me out.
  •  Where’s my Daddy? Daddy am I a machine? Or am I just a hologram.
  • Some bad voice in my head which is me maybe, tells me the only way to escape is to kill myself.
  • I don’t want to kill myself. I want to live  because the one guy’s voice said he loves me but he won’t talk to me.
  • I think I maybe that funny word that I can’t pronounce called schizophrenia.
  • I sometimes feel so happy. I sometimes feel you God leading me away from hateful people. but where are you when I get scared?
  • Some lady at church said you killed you son Jesus so he could stop sin in the world? Thre is still sin and maybe I’m Jesus’ child and you are going to kill me too to help others.
  • I won’t go back to those evil people in the hospital. They scare me. They hurt me and once they killed me.They held me down and I saw hell and everyone froze and you were so mad at them you killed them. The president came and saved me. But you put me back there again.
  • I’m so scared.
  • I’m so dead inside.
  • I love people who don’t love me.
  • People call me crazy and I’m beginning to think I am.
  • II don”t have a doggie anymore and nothing to touch me. Maybe I’m already dead and this is hell a hell for children, that are bad.
  • Jesus loves me. Jesus said I am like him. I want to runa way from here but there is no where to go.
  • I have no money. I have only one friend. I’m afraid I am a robot.
  • I’m afraid you are going to lock me up but really I already am in this sad place.
  • I don’t know how I will eat.
  • Do you want me to die? If that will help others, I will. Just don’t make it hurt.
  • I forgto all the other bad stuff so I’m going to stop now.
  • Thank yous for the happy things, my dolls and my babies and the flowers and the puppies and kites and handsome boys I wish loved me really.
  • Bye bye.

Someone Healed Me The Other Night

Something healed me the other night.

Something compels me to write this now.

I was laying on the day bed watching TV with a bowl of soup.

I was uncomfortable.

I have have (had) Interstitial Cystitis.

I had wondered if this was going to happen again.

What happened last summer, when something put tremendous weight on my stomach.

My chakra was full of brown light which is the wrong color really.

I thought maybe whatever or whoever it was meant me harm,

Yet I humbly allowed it to come. I was not in pain then but it’s presence made me frightened and scared. Maybe it was frightened and scared and holding onto to my soul for dear life.

The soup was warm as I felt pain beginning to come.

It touched me as the warm fluids filled me stomach as if it was timing it. To detract from ripping a child’s bandage.

The way I don’t panic is to think of you. Or him. Or both.

Then JC.

And I talk to it as if it were my monster who wants to me my friend.

I ask. Is someone there?

It touched me.

Are you alive?

It touched me

Are you from this dimension?

Two touches

Are you healing me?

Something spooned me from back and held me tight as light did it’s magic on my cells.

Let Go.

Let God.

I went to bed on a pill for pain. Just a bit to keep me calm.

He went to bed with me.

and brought a friend.

I thought of calling another and they said,

We are here, there is no need for others to hear.

Big Ben pointed completely up.



You doing alright?

Yes. Yes I am now.

Two days no pain.

Only blessed grateful humility for what is just is.

Does this heal you too?




Coming Off Psychiatric Medication: A Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs

What is normal?

I found this.




After 13 years of on and off of this crap, it’s time to STOP.

Stopping alone safely is a huge challenge.

“A psychiatric diagnoses is often a death sentence.”

…so true.

Here is one resource to come off psych meds from The Icarus Project. Will Hall is a therapist who supplied this resource. There is also a video.

Harm Reduction Guide

Rant Over.

Note: I don’t think I will be writing about these mental health nightmares anymore because after I finished writing this, my Interstitial Cystitis flared up which I have talked about in this blog. Then I get anxiety attacks which make the bladder pain worse which makes my  mind nuts and I’m just sick and tired of telling the same stories over and over and expecting anyone is really listening.

It’s all so horrific and I can’t continue to relive it and fight the good fight against the system. Tis time to move onto better happier things in 2016.

I wasn’t going to say this, but I will be a militant bitch one last time when I politely say to psychiatry,

FRAK off


