A Most Extraordinary Multi Dimensional Dream Occurrence Just Happened


I’ve been journaling my most wonderful lucid dreams since 1993. I know dreams.

I know what lucid dreams are.

I know what nightmares are.

I know what astral travel is.

Believe me when I say I know the difference, but what just happened has NEVER happened to me.

I’ve come to the conclusion after consulting several mediums over the decades that I have a special gift I was afraid to use. I believed them, but never really believed them. Which is why they often said “the teacher will appear when the student is ready.”

I never told any Doctor about these experiences because I know what I would get and it would not be good.

In last few years I’ve had many bad dreams. I pray before I sleep. I put protection around me. I’ve heard the baby voice of my Granddaughter before she was born. All these things are no surprise anymore. One thing that has happened occasionally has been very frightening. Something or someone pulls my light down comforter off me while I sleep. It always woke me and up frightened me to no end. My comforter was still there. I always assumed it was something evil maybe or maybe not. As time went on, I felt, maybe it’s some energy that needed my attention. I’ve never liked it. The way I tried to stop it was to put my Grandmother’s hand stitched quilt over my comforter before sleep. It made it heavier. It never happened when I did this.

Last night I did not put her quilt on.

About an hour ago as I write this at 6:30 am, the most extraordinary multi dimensional occurrence happened.

At 3am I heard a doorbell go off. It woke me from sleep. It was not mine because I have a chime doorbell. It scared me a bit. I got up and got a drink of water and back to bed. Now I realize that bell was heralding an event that was soon to happen.

About a 1/2 ago, I was sleeping on my left side. Suddenly the covers were pulled off slowly but more in a precocious way. I did not wake up but I was scared. I didn’t turn over but for first time, I bravely reached back behind me. I found the legs of a tiny girl. I was not awake but I was not dreaming. I could touch her legs. The room was dark as I was still in my bed. I tried to move my mouth to tell the little girl I was frightened. No sound would come out.

I realized afterwards she was communicating with me telepathically. She played on my bed and ask me to come with her. I could not really see her face but she was sweet. I kept saying I was scared. She was nearly 4. She wanted me to pick her up so I knew she was not a bad thing. I did. She weighed only 5 pounds. We jumped off my bed and in telepathic thought she said, “come with me!” I was really not in control of my body and things were moving so fast that I had no time to wake myself up.

Suddenly I was in my apartment but not my apartment in a parallel dimension. There were two women there getting breakfast ready. The kitchen was beautiful. A futuristic counter top with a shiny green cook top stood out. The colors were intense!

I cowered in the corner and tried to talk again. I still could not get words out. They acknowledged that they knew I was frightened and put me at ease by going about their morning routing. Cooking breakfast. The little girl wanted to play. They laughed and said she is such a little silly thing.

I was back in my bed before I knew it without anytime to realize what just happened. I fell back asleep again. I don’t know how much time passed, but again here goes my comforter again. Pulled back slowly and I thought “Oh good God, what in the world is this?”

“Come play again!” She thought to me. “I’m still confused and scared” I thought to her. This time we talked about stuff on my bed but did not talk. I did ask her for her name to try to help myself through this. She thought it to me, but I can’t remember now. I believe it started with an S. She coxed me out of bed again and we entered into another house which was mine but not mine. This time there were several beds in the place and it seemed like a bunch of young guys lived there. I ask her where we were. She said the dimensions were 64th & College. I use to live there a long time ago but it was not the place I remembered. I met her Mother again but in another way.

Then I drifted back to the darkness of my own room. I was already awake. I lay there for several minutes trying to understand what just happened. I even text my sister since she loves this kind of stuff. I finally found out who the little sprite was that had been pulling my covers off for years. She was getting me ready for this experience.

I am absolutely 100% convinced this was travel to another dimension. No doubts whatsoever. I have astral projected in past without trying and met beings up above who looked like us and who helped me when I was very ill in my mind.

This was not that.

I know it’s unbelievable and sounds crazy but if this happened to you, you would be as stunned and overwhelmed and delighted as I am. I have been having Earthly nightmares for so long, that I think that was preparing me to recognize something I had never known.

I’m listening to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker as I type this. This music is my go to calm down magic potion to handle the BIG BIG things my body mind and heart goes through. I can say this was one of the most extraordinary occurrences I’ve ever experienced. There are parallel dimensions and other worlds. There is no doubt in my mind. None.

If there is one person to take you to a place that could make you rethink reality, it is a child.

Gosh I hope she comes back.

Thank you Jesus for making me into a psycho-naught.

Not the end. The beginning.

Real time update:

At 5:30 pm about 12 hours since the experience an old friend named Jen just called. That long time college friend that you have talked about synchronicity and spirituality until your blue in your face. We have been weaned on Deepak Chopra. We can say the wackiest things to each other and both totally get it. If someone like the CIA was listening into our call, they would have said..

Those bitches be cray cray.

She asked what had happened because she didn’t get to this post but saw I had put it up. I proceeded to tell her exactly what I wrote above. I mentioned that I ask the little girl what were the “coordinates” of where we were. She had said “64th & College.” My old apartment building with a Jiffy Lube next door.

My friend gasped and then laughed. Guess where I am? I’m at 64th and College!!

What are the odds? Honestly?

We sat on phone quiet and said, “something is happening.” Do you feel it?

I said yes, like a polar shift or gravitation energy and Jesus coming back.  🙂

I spoke to another friend today for an hour who also said something is shifting. We talked about woo woo. The only word to describe the stuff with no words. She said “you are the only person I know who will talk about this stuff.”

We ain’t crazy. We are enlightened women in our middle age whose been waiting for the spiritual changes we’ve know about for two decades. A good shift.

The Age Of Aquarius is finally coming to age.

Yes. I admit I love woo woo stuff. I feed off it.

Back story. Remember the last 7 years I’ve been plagued by nightmares and bad sleep. I’ve also complained of a bad mattress, but mostly I just wanted God or whatever to stop my nightmares. (Which I have not had in days which is not normal) With that…….

Jen gasped again and stated “omg Deb, there is billboard across the street. I have to take a picture.”

To add to the woo woo, she said “look at the address.” It’s Mitch’s apartment. It was the address next door to her ex husband who was texting me when we were on the phone.



Yes I can say last night I traveled first class. 

Without me explaining the tri fold synchronicity I would say this is 5th dimension synchronicity…. that doubled upon itself with the help of another enlightened one. Can anyone see the like a multi dimensional time travel coincidence that is not a coincidence with a punch line on the in this?

See if you can feel what I’m talking about.

If you can’t then, oh well.

Go try to meditate. 😀

I’ll sign off here as “What’s the Frequency Kenneth” begins to play.

Aquarius to Nasa: Shutting down for night.

Loud Speaker Lullabies


AnimationGIF.gifWhat does this animation have to do with what I’m about to say? 


I’m in a really good space right now.


I was just in the best psychiatric care unit I’ve ever been in my life. It was Indiana University at Methodist Hospital. The place I was born ironically. I had to go because I was having heart palpitation and was not sleeping.

So there are many nightmarish posts in this blog because past experiences in psych wards and staff and psychiatrists and medicine were all scary haunted house experimental guinea pig in and paid for a ticket kind of experiences that let’s just not “keep telling out sad stories.”

The first thing that I noticed while waiting for a room upstairs was a lullaby over the loud speakers. I ask the ind nurse what that tune meant. She said it was a baby being born.

Was I being reborn. I had a feeling of death. Like your so tired you think you faint but you don’t but you can’t sleep. IT’s scary. They believed me when I said.

I hear things.

I feel more than I hear.

My right temporal lobe turns on sometimes & I feel you?

Beings touch me and heal me.

I have telepathy with some people.

I have a parallel universe relationship with a man I have never met.

I have prophetic dreams.

I feel people staring at me.

I can talk to dogs and cats.

I feel like I am in a movie but everyone knows it but me.

I think Jesus is here or I am Jesus but I don’t really want to be more like Jesus had kids related.

I have astral traveled. I was adjusted by aliens that looked like us.

Sometimes I have three heat beats. One is James, One is me and sometimes one is Eddie.

Or shall I say, Edward James Almost?

I’m not sure of these things at all because I can’t prove it quite 100% unless the others feel the same way. I am a scientist and that’s how i roll. I’m not crazy. Just open.

I got scared people didn’t lie me or my Quantum Entangled twin could be upset and the man next door is trying to torment is one reason why I was not sleeping,  hospital. No police would help me. They are kicking me out and I am happy to go. I want only good things for m now

The hospital let me say these things without making me feel bad .No comments about giving me meds for my imagination. 🙂 hmmh?

They had art. The doctor listened to what meds did not work and what did, she gave them to me. There was a nurse outside my door at night. I felt loved. heard and healed. I can’t tell you how much I loved my psychiatrists. ME!? Really.

She was like a Mother figure. They even let me talk to a priest about the things i feel and how to understand God.

One night they let me look at this blog, my blog on a huge ass tv. I mean big. It blew my mind. Look at what I have done? I was so proud. A nurse came by and ask what I was doing and I showed her a video of you. Then I watched a  few scenes from SC & RnR.

She loves that song. She wrote the site down and seemed interested. No psych nurse ever ask to see my art. I just sat there not wanting to write but to star at the colors the

décoration d'art

the way it looked, it looked like something that should be a film.

Then i said goodbye to friends and my family picked me up! My family!? We went to the head shop first thing. My 73 year old Mother looking at glass pipes and bongs. It was awesome. They told me to lunch and shopping for food which I didn’t have.

I’m on meds I can stand, I will just testify at how great


At low does of course and a benzo. That’s all I ever really needed was those anti anxiety as needed when things spin faster in my head and heart I can stand. And if by any chance you are feeling the same thing darling…I”m happy to go for you too.

Thank you for everything IU Methodist C8 ward. God Bless you all.

And thank you for being there every night and when I would get scared you would go away.

And thank you Universe for being birthed there. and fro that star chaser and for being born again in the same place.




Dear God, Help Me Be A Good Mother

My first bully?

My Mother.

So many people honor their parents. So many people are blessed with supportive Mother’s who are always there for their daughters. Sometimes I hate those people. Why? Because I’m afraid I’m turning into my Mother.

Let’s face it. There are many of us whose parents tried their best when you were young. My Mother was one of them. Having me at 20 was not a cake walk. Leaving my poor Father was in my best interest she said. But now she is 72 and her meanness has only aged like fine wine.

I pray to God that I don’t end up treating my grown son the way she treats me. I broke the cycle when he was young, but maybe this mediocre life of failure and illness and loneliness will just take it’s toll and 20 years from now, I will be the troll on my son’s facebook page. Maybe fucking facebook will burn to the ground because it’s done nothing but cause trouble with my Mother. I friend her because she has few friends. I friend her to share photos of my Grandson. Yet when I speak out about anything she disagrees with, be it politics or the things I like, she even starts arguments on Facebook in comments. She is my Mother? Do you know how embarrassing it is to my friends to see that negative and button pushing things she says to me in front of everyone.

My Mother lived with my Grandmother in the 90’s. My Gram was in her 70’s then and my Monster was in her 50’s. I didn’t see this happened, but I believed it happened. My Grandmother let my Mom live with her for awhile. My Mother was so verbally abusive to my Gram that my Gram had to call the police to remove my monster from her home.

My Gram….


(Me sharing some of my writing with my Gram before she passed in 2012)

She never said a mean thing about the things I wrote. She listened to my stories of  search for love. My supernatural experiences and always said, “Honey. Bless your little heart.”

My Gram and I would often talk about how mean my Mother was. You’d think my Mom might have been abused by my Grandparents. Not at all. Maybe they were guilty of apathy, I just know Gram died in 2013 and Mom was living with her again. I was in Seattle. God only knows how she treated her until she died. She would abused me long distance. (The distance not being long enough which is the real reason I left Indiana, with the goal to get my son to leave the backwater Christian hypocritical state)

I still have these two.


God only knows what I’d be without you.

My son and my grandson. God don’t let me turn into her and lose them. I’m so lonely and so tired of not being loved by my first family my Mother and my sister, that if I do start to make him miserable, I will end my life sooner than God intends because the last thing I want to do is destroy my child like my Mother continues to destroy me.

The End.

Sacred Cleaning

She looks around the apartment. One can tell a depressed person lived there. Although there is art and color and hope all around, it appears that the jewelry thrown on the floor and phone off hook show a darker side of this existence.

So as an act of compassion for another, who will eventually come by, she does the dishes.

She picks up the unwashed clothes on the floor and hangs them neatly in the closet.

She dusts her angels and her talisman.

She over waters her little tree and jade plant.

She notices the hamster has little food, so she feeds it the whole bag.

The kitchen floor has not been clean for a long time because there is no mop. She scrubs it with her best french linen until her hands crack and bleed. She is happy she is just being.

After vacuuming, sanitizing the tub and toilets, she is tired.

She remembers the video of the dying fish where a dog tried putting water on it with it’s paw, but to no avail. She sees the worlds pain and decides, today is not the day for it.

She meditates.

She writes a letter for her son she never intended to send and leaves it on the unused dining room table. She feels better.

She plays new age music to calm her.

She turns off her phone and decides to get in the bath. She wonders why turn off phone, it never rings much anyway, but feels it’s better because when it rings it’s only someone shaming her for feeling bad.

The pillow and flowered down comforter actually makes the bath tub quite comfortable.

Briefly her mind floats back to the days of torture. She stays with the memory of the forced unknown restraints in the ER where she almost died and saw purgatory. Surely this is better than that day and much more comfortable. At least she can be free to know, those days of insanity were caused by the hands of psychiatrist who succeeded in poisoning her and brain washing her hopes and gifts to something that should be purged. Waste in her brain.

She thinks about how God or something maybe mental illness planted a searching inside her and condemns the thing that put it there. And wonders if there is nothing but star dust, her own twisted brain did it to her and that is too much to bare. To rot away for another 30 years or so keeping this all inside seems overwhelming. But it that feeling passes too slowly.

But in the bath, it’s safe. The music is calming and she imagines angels anointing her with oils, although they aren’t really there, it’s just now she’s getting cold.

At least she knows she can feel shameless because there won’t be much cleaning up for the people that will eventually find her, which will only be the maintenance staff whom she requested two months ago to fix her leaking facet.

They won’t even have to shampoo the carpet, I’m sure they will wonder who they will charge for the tub clean up however.

……as she leaves her biological body suit, her real ethereal family waits with a proper bath.



Prayers Of Protection Needed For Night Terrors


I could easily write a very long essay about this subject but my mind is very fragile…so I will simply state.

Lord, hear my prayer.

My mental health is improving being almost one year from taking dangerous medications that caused terrible side effects and suicidal ideation as well as hallucinations, weight gain and nightmares.

I have used meditation off and one for years and years without a dedicated practice. I am controlling my daytime anxieties with prayers, help from friends, meditation and chanting.

I’m  obsessed with spirit now and get still every chance I get but there is one problem. I’m afraid to go to sleep. I live alone. Have no one to love and no pet. Ever since I was a child I have had nightmares that were problematic and not normal.

Lord, hear my prayer.

I have been meditating and connecting with spirit for weeks now without seizing  and also meditate and pray before bed. I have anxious days but managing that..however,  but the nights are terrifying.

I go to bed and most of the time wake up screaming from night terrors!

They are so horrible, that my cries must scare the man who lives upstairs.

Three in one night last night.

It’s terrifying and I wake up in a daze that I can’t get out of.

I feel flung between two dimensions.

I was tempted to isolate. Could not work. Could hardly walk. But something told me to reach out.

Thank God, because I called  friends from Church who immediately sprung into action. I also called my therapist who I had had an appointment with today but had to cancel due to money. My mother suggested I ask him anyway as it was urgent. He took me in right away, and didn’t ask for money today. That made me cry for a different reason as so many people are so kind and giving and compassionate.

My therapist said, I’m having a spiritual awakening and that I’m ok. He did not say I needed hospitalization. He did not say I was crazy. He did not label me. He did not offer a pill. He listened to me cry my eyes out. For an hour, this kind soul was God to me.

His main advice, ground myself in spirit and the love of God.

Like a tree he said, put those roots deep down and bend in the wind. You are protected, even after you asked Jesus in after the second dream, he came in by kissing you, which made me sad and scared because it was the face of my ex partner and knew it was a dream so the comfort, kinda got lost.

Doing everything I can for protection at night. Any good thoughts would help me through the night.
God bless everyone who understands the pain of depression, spiritual awakenings and psychic pain.

All blessing for me are automatically sent back to you by my soul.


Lord, hear our prayers for peace for everyone who is suffering.

P.S. This meditation from a wonderful man I have never met helped stop them last week, for three days. I must do it every night now. If you have the same troubles. this would help enormously.

I gave love to my nightmares. Maybe they are just lonley. So I locked them behind a door inside my subconscious and told them they can rest now. I bolted the door in my mind and covered it with flowers. All of this, BEFORE, it was mentioned in this video. Strange…. I turned the bad dreams into a butterfly and filled the room with stars and birds and hot pink light. Everything needs love, even something that feels evil, might just be something that needs to be heard and healed too.


Robin Williams Paints His After Life With Many Colors

download (1)

God bless you Robin Williams.

You took your life today, but you left us with your gifts.

Ironically, Robin needed the real Patch Adams in his life.

So much laughter hiding so much pain inside. Incredibly sad how often many creative people such as actors, writers and singers take their own life, but leave such gifts. God gave these gifts and sometimes they come with a price, but I believe his ending has no shame. His soul is welcome in the next realm.

My favorite Robin Williams film is “What Dreams May Come.”

I will know for him that now he lives in a beautiful painting full of colors, laughter and bliss.

Doing stand up in heaven!

Making God pee his pants!

He will return to us again in another form and bring unimaginable gifts.

A reminder of how suicide is not only tragic for the people left behind, but more so for the people who are in such pain that they must finally sleep.

Always show kindness and understanding to anyone who ever says they don’t want to live.

It’s isolation and feeling different that end up causing these tragic endings.

The world shall miss him

……and if you have never seen this film watch it as soon as possible.

It will change your life forever.

Rest In Peace sweet funny soul.


People are talking about he dangers of the medications he was taken that had suicidal side effects.

Sept. 26, 2012

What We Were Good @

Bart 006

A sweet and surprising note from my precious friend.


Subject: We Were Good @

Taking care of pets and kids.
Making strange new friends ( that thieving dealer boy, Jack at Husky Deli and probably more… help me remember!!)
Spending our time in town, or Junction, browsing and cruising and drinking coffee.
Drinking coffee.
Smoking weed.
Drinking some more coffee.
Smoking a shitload of weed.
Eating pastries.
Catering and cleaning houses.
Visiting special places.
Pissing people off.
I want to take you on a big nostalgia tour!

My Reply To Him:

We were good @

We were good at making jewelry.
Getting lost and find our way back again.
Making presents out of nothing.
Making happiness out of nothing.
Meditating in pretty forests.
Renting cars.
Getting hotel rooms for free.
Taking baths.
Waiting at bus stops.
Crying in church.
Being there when the other cried.
Buying food and looking at it.
Volunteering for children.
His reply to me:
We were good @

Making people of all kinds easily comfortable.
Doing things we didnt want to, because we had to
Charming people to make them be in our favour
Going a great long while on no money at all
Getting high in the strangest of places
Getting hungry in the strangest of places
Getting horny in the strangest of places
Dodgin them coppaz!
Finding and invading all Buddhist places in the region
Park exploring! Junior Chipmunks
Keeping evil spirits at bay
Dealing with very flaky people

and best of all, we really meant to stay married friends, without being married.

It’s such grace when two who loved, who fought and lost each other can unconditionally love different again.

I had to post this today as I needed something to make him happy.