A Most Extraordinary Multi Dimensional Dream Occurrence Just Happened


I’ve been journaling my most wonderful lucid dreams since 1993. I know dreams.

I know what lucid dreams are.

I know what nightmares are.

I know what astral travel is.

Believe me when I say I know the difference, but what just happened has NEVER happened to me.

I’ve come to the conclusion after consulting several mediums over the decades that I have a special gift I was afraid to use. I believed them, but never really believed them. Which is why they often said “the teacher will appear when the student is ready.”

I never told any Doctor about these experiences because I know what I would get and it would not be good.

In last few years I’ve had many bad dreams. I pray before I sleep. I put protection around me. I’ve heard the baby voice of my Granddaughter before she was born. All these things are no surprise anymore. One thing that has happened occasionally has been very frightening. Something or someone pulls my light down comforter off me while I sleep. It always woke me and up frightened me to no end. My comforter was still there. I always assumed it was something evil maybe or maybe not. As time went on, I felt, maybe it’s some energy that needed my attention. I’ve never liked it. The way I tried to stop it was to put my Grandmother’s hand stitched quilt over my comforter before sleep. It made it heavier. It never happened when I did this.

Last night I did not put her quilt on.

About an hour ago as I write this at 6:30 am, the most extraordinary multi dimensional occurrence happened.

At 3am I heard a doorbell go off. It woke me from sleep. It was not mine because I have a chime doorbell. It scared me a bit. I got up and got a drink of water and back to bed. Now I realize that bell was heralding an event that was soon to happen.

About a 1/2 ago, I was sleeping on my left side. Suddenly the covers were pulled off slowly but more in a precocious way. I did not wake up but I was scared. I didn’t turn over but for first time, I bravely reached back behind me. I found the legs of a tiny girl. I was not awake but I was not dreaming. I could touch her legs. The room was dark as I was still in my bed. I tried to move my mouth to tell the little girl I was frightened. No sound would come out.

I realized afterwards she was communicating with me telepathically. She played on my bed and ask me to come with her. I could not really see her face but she was sweet. I kept saying I was scared. She was nearly 4. She wanted me to pick her up so I knew she was not a bad thing. I did. She weighed only 5 pounds. We jumped off my bed and in telepathic thought she said, “come with me!” I was really not in control of my body and things were moving so fast that I had no time to wake myself up.

Suddenly I was in my apartment but not my apartment in a parallel dimension. There were two women there getting breakfast ready. The kitchen was beautiful. A futuristic counter top with a shiny green cook top stood out. The colors were intense!

I cowered in the corner and tried to talk again. I still could not get words out. They acknowledged that they knew I was frightened and put me at ease by going about their morning routing. Cooking breakfast. The little girl wanted to play. They laughed and said she is such a little silly thing.

I was back in my bed before I knew it without anytime to realize what just happened. I fell back asleep again. I don’t know how much time passed, but again here goes my comforter again. Pulled back slowly and I thought “Oh good God, what in the world is this?”

“Come play again!” She thought to me. “I’m still confused and scared” I thought to her. This time we talked about stuff on my bed but did not talk. I did ask her for her name to try to help myself through this. She thought it to me, but I can’t remember now. I believe it started with an S. She coxed me out of bed again and we entered into another house which was mine but not mine. This time there were several beds in the place and it seemed like a bunch of young guys lived there. I ask her where we were. She said the dimensions were 64th & College. I use to live there a long time ago but it was not the place I remembered. I met her Mother again but in another way.

Then I drifted back to the darkness of my own room. I was already awake. I lay there for several minutes trying to understand what just happened. I even text my sister since she loves this kind of stuff. I finally found out who the little sprite was that had been pulling my covers off for years. She was getting me ready for this experience.

I am absolutely 100% convinced this was travel to another dimension. No doubts whatsoever. I have astral projected in past without trying and met beings up above who looked like us and who helped me when I was very ill in my mind.

This was not that.

I know it’s unbelievable and sounds crazy but if this happened to you, you would be as stunned and overwhelmed and delighted as I am. I have been having Earthly nightmares for so long, that I think that was preparing me to recognize something I had never known.

I’m listening to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker as I type this. This music is my go to calm down magic potion to handle the BIG BIG things my body mind and heart goes through. I can say this was one of the most extraordinary occurrences I’ve ever experienced. There are parallel dimensions and other worlds. There is no doubt in my mind. None.

If there is one person to take you to a place that could make you rethink reality, it is a child.

Gosh I hope she comes back.

Thank you Jesus for making me into a psycho-naught.

Not the end. The beginning.

Real time update:

At 5:30 pm about 12 hours since the experience an old friend named Jen just called. That long time college friend that you have talked about synchronicity and spirituality until your blue in your face. We have been weaned on Deepak Chopra. We can say the wackiest things to each other and both totally get it. If someone like the CIA was listening into our call, they would have said..

Those bitches be cray cray.

She asked what had happened because she didn’t get to this post but saw I had put it up. I proceeded to tell her exactly what I wrote above. I mentioned that I ask the little girl what were the “coordinates” of where we were. She had said “64th & College.” My old apartment building with a Jiffy Lube next door.

My friend gasped and then laughed. Guess where I am? I’m at 64th and College!!

What are the odds? Honestly?

We sat on phone quiet and said, “something is happening.” Do you feel it?

I said yes, like a polar shift or gravitation energy and Jesus coming back.  🙂

I spoke to another friend today for an hour who also said something is shifting. We talked about woo woo. The only word to describe the stuff with no words. She said “you are the only person I know who will talk about this stuff.”

We ain’t crazy. We are enlightened women in our middle age whose been waiting for the spiritual changes we’ve know about for two decades. A good shift.

The Age Of Aquarius is finally coming to age.

Yes. I admit I love woo woo stuff. I feed off it.

Back story. Remember the last 7 years I’ve been plagued by nightmares and bad sleep. I’ve also complained of a bad mattress, but mostly I just wanted God or whatever to stop my nightmares. (Which I have not had in days which is not normal) With that…….

Jen gasped again and stated “omg Deb, there is billboard across the street. I have to take a picture.”

To add to the woo woo, she said “look at the address.” It’s Mitch’s apartment. It was the address next door to her ex husband who was texting me when we were on the phone.



Yes I can say last night I traveled first class. 

Without me explaining the tri fold synchronicity I would say this is 5th dimension synchronicity…. that doubled upon itself with the help of another enlightened one. Can anyone see the like a multi dimensional time travel coincidence that is not a coincidence with a punch line on the in this?

See if you can feel what I’m talking about.

If you can’t then, oh well.

Go try to meditate. 😀

I’ll sign off here as “What’s the Frequency Kenneth” begins to play.

Aquarius to Nasa: Shutting down for night.

It All Started With A Bad Batch of Thyroid Medication

I just want to say in advance. I do have a very clever Psychiatrist now. It took 15 years to find one that did not scare me.

Just wanted to make that plain. Not all Dr’s are bad.

Update. As of March 2021 that doctor is gone.

Back into the pit of snakes that want to wrap themselves around me. None will help free me from this medication that is almost impossible to withdrawal from.

I’m going to try to make this short because writing over and over about this topic triggers terrible PTSD and trauma for me.

I was introduced to psychiatric drugs in 92. I was 29. I just had a baby. I experienced post partum depression. At 6 weeks out my OB/GYN who had been sold the new drug Prozac by Eli Lilly here in my hometown of Indiana. If I were smarter and knew what I know now I would have refused. I’d had no mental health problems all my life. He handed me a script for it and said “you have to take this the rest of your life.” What the fuck? Why. Sadly I believed him. I took it and it helped for a short time. Then they switch to Zoloft. I became manic. I didn’t even know what that meant. I did things I would never do and the worst most horrific truth of that side effect, I left my husband. He was a wonderful man. I became a monster due to these drugs.

Skip to 2003 I was misdiagnosed on a violent ER in Seattle. In 10 minutes the doctor said I had bi polar. What was actually happening was my thyroid condition had been overdosed by a clinic. The symptoms I had in ER were actually from having my thyroid put into hyper thyroid. They never ask about my thyroid. They never gave me a blood test. Because of my thyroid blowing up, I had suicidal ideation. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was thrown into a ER cell in psych area and left to piss on myself and they committed me to the psych ward at Harborview Hospital. I felt like I was in some kind of conspiracy. I experience torture and hallucinations as the drug Lithium and others they gave me kicked in. I was lobotomized. I couldn’t question what was happening to me. I had no advocate. This started a decade of abuse by psych wards and psychiatrists. Horrific things happened to me as my mind began to stop working. When I told my boyfriend at the time that I wanted off this shit, when I would stop taking it, cold turkey, which i had no idea was dangerous, my mind became worse. This the horrors of these meds. The minute you stop taking it, the withdrawal symptoms become so horrific that the dr. insists you take it. “The reason you feel bad is because you stopped your medications.” This IS CRIMINAL. I’m not a violent person but looking back on what they did to me and my life, I’d like to blow the brains out of these monster Drs. No maybe what is a better revenge is to force them to take the drugs they forced on me when I was not mentally ill. I lost my home again. My boyfriend lied to police and put me in jail when I was withdrawaling from the meds.

During 2003 to 2011 I was put on at least 20 different anti psychotic meds. They would change them every other month. My insurance forced me to the haunted house psychiatry group. They would give me a different doctor everytime. Once I gave a history to a 22 intern. I talked about these dreams nice dreams I had had of Eddie Vedder since 93. Later I saw my medical records and it said “patient thinks she is talking to Kurt Cobain from the grave.” OMG? Once I saw another new asshole and when he walked in he had a 2 inch thick file on me. I said hello. He just starred at me. I ask, well what do you think today about me. “I know one thing, he said, “you are completely delusional.” He had never seen or spoken to you. I told him to fuck off and left his office in tears.

I was off meds for almost 2 years from 2011 to 2013. I got my body back. I could write again but the long term taking of these drugs can cause withdrawal symptoms for years. I honestly believe I have been part of some mass conspiracy to poison millions of people that never needed these drugs.

I ended up with a bladder condition, called Interstitial Cystitis. A painful chronic spasm of the bladder with no cure only yearly surgery. I didn’t know what it was. I went to an ER back in Indianapolis. St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis. The same place I had given birth to my son 20 years before.

They gave me morphine for the pain and then started quizzing me about my “bi Polar” and why I was not on meds. I told them they made me sick. They thought I was just looking for pain meds. No urologist checked me. Something bad happened. (I can not say at this time what happened but lets just say, it felt like I had a baby) They left me alone in a room in stirrups and water was flowing out of me. I try not to remember that.

When that was over, They locked me in the room and all the machines were going off beeping like a distraction and outside the room I heard a terrible racket. Like there were people shooting other people with some kind of pop gun. By then the morphine had worn off. Doors were slamming. People were yelling. Then they came back into room and gave me a pill and something to drink. I passed out. The next thing I know I woke up on the floor of their Stress Center. On the floor! Two nurses sat at desk staring at me. I cried out for someone to help me. Why was I there. I had a bladder problem. They forced Haldol on me and I became lobotomized. I had no one to advocate for me.

The last day I was suppose to be there a shit faced fuck head psychiatrist interviewed me. He ask how I was feeling. I told him I was not suppose to be in here. I had a bladder problem. I had been off meds for two years and now I was back on them, having to withdrawal again on my own. Conspiracy? YES.

Then he ask if I had telepathy. lol Do you think I’m going to tell you about my spiritual life? He ask if I could talk to Jesus. I laughed again and said yes, I’m talking to him right now. I had to stand up to this dick head. He hated it. What is wrong with talking to Jesus? He said, “you have to stay three more days and I’m changing your meds.” I stood up and went into main room and screamed “this is criminal! I”m not taking anymore of your poison.” The room and other patients went silent as the grave. A nurse came up to me and whispered, “just take it so you can get out of here.”

The bladder thing and the ER and putting locked up in psych ward happened two more times in next two years.

Jump to today. I’ve been on Lithium for 3 years. I’ve been on Serequel for same amount of time. I started have night terrors every night. My weight went from 160 to 212 which is what I am now. I do like the my Dr. but when I ask him why he kept upping seroquel to fix nightmares that got worse and worse, his ego was deflated so he stopped talking to me. Then he passed me to a sleep dr who saw no nightmares and I told her I was weaning off serequel. She deflected from night mares to my smoking and tried to scare me that I had COPD which I do not. She ordered oxygen at night but nightmares continued. I called the other morning to talk to nurse after waking from horrific night terror and the dead voiced nurse said, “the dr wants a drug screen.” For what? I said. Are you trying to tell me that I’m using crack or cocaine and since she has no fucking idea what to do about my nightmares nor does she call my shrink to say “hey maybe it’s her anti psychotic” (dr.s do not consult with each other) Fucking nightmare. So my sleep dr passed me back to my primary dr. to go to Neuroscience. I have been asking for MRI for two years and NOBODY will look at my brain. I’m sure I have brain damage. What are they afraid of? Back in Seattle years before they gave me a MRI and put a hypnotic suggestion that I had something in brain and then changed their minds. Left me with years of feeling scared that something could be in there. Still live with that but just let the thought pass. What kind of nasty experiment have I been in for years?

I’m actually doing well. I’m weaning myself off serequel. I’ve gone from 200 at night to 50 at night but I’m alone doing it. No one will help me. I’m so traumatized from years of abuse from the medical community. I live alone. I am on disability. I worked all my life. Great jobs. Film sets. Manager. Laser operator. I now am 56 and look to God and ask

What the hell have you let them do to me? Am I in danger still. Does someone want me dead for some reason. Am I the Holy Grail? lol I’m so sad and lonely. I do everything on my own. I pay my rent I can take out my trash, I can watch my little Grandchildren but I’m traumatized.

The way I have adapted is I do feel I have a telepathic connection to two men I know but aren’t here. (that story is private for now) This connection feels like pure protection. I often feel it says to me, don’t worry, we are watching and taking care of you. Jesus is with me too. Perhaps what has happened to me will cause something wonderful to happen and this won’t happened to anyone again.

My inner child is waiting for love. For Prince Charming. The only way my heart can keep going after my life was destroyed by a pill.

If this has happened to you, you  are not alone. Below is a link to The Harm Reduction Guide on how to safely go off psychiatric poison.

God bless you for reading.

Click to access ComingOffPsychDrugsHarmReductGuide2Edonline.pdf